Hey guys, im currently working on trying to purchase a truck in Wa State. Being a canuck, i need a number of things to export the truck from the US, and import it to Canuckistan. The US border needs a copy of the current owners regi/ownership of the vehicle 72 hours in advance, i need a recall clearance letter apparently, the bill of sale/proof of purchase etc, and seeing as the truck is partially owned by Ford Mo credit, the title from them seing as they hold the lein on it, with basically a release letter, or so i understand. Basically, i need to get this organized for a one day deal. The truck being 8 or so hours from me, is making it a tad bit more difficult. Has anyone delt with this before? How the heck does it work down there for leins and purchasing/selling a vehicle. Im being told by ford motor credit that i send a payment in full to them, then they mess around, and after a couple weeks a title for the vehicle can be had at the state lisencing office. I hope this is incorrect, or there is some way around that crap. Do you folks really have to wait 2 weeks, to a month for the ownership/title from ford motor credit? I hope im missing a vital piece of info here, as i NEED this paperwork to get across the border, and dont really think its a great idea to fire off a cheque for 30 some odd grand and have NOTHING in return for weeks. Or down there do you guys just recieve the title in a couple weeks, no big deal etc? Can anyone shed some light on this for me. Thanks so much, and my appologies for the novel!