Just a few pics from today's ride at Buff pass lots of new snow this past week but after the wind got done with it a little set up but still a great day.
I think I was the guy parked behind you off the road that helped back you up in front of me. Good to put snowest names with faces! Snow wasn't what I expected today after what they got this past week. Still a good day though. We trailered up and rode Cameron pass around noon. Wind got to it too...
Thanks for the help getting backed in. I used to always ask guys that I saw if the were SW forum members and usually would just get a weird look so I stopped asking. They are calling for more snow tonight and a chance tomorrow hopefully it comes. Loook forward to seeing you next week Stan, hopefully I can get out with you guys.
Dave this is cory from iowa pats friend, darn the luck I was on buff sat. also a little windy but allright, to bad we didnt see each other. anyway will have to stop and stay next time were out. Earlier in the week was awesome and very deep.