In high school we would ride our bikes in the foothills.
We didn't disturb people, and the only time we rode even remotely close to homes was a small area where the canal road ended... We had to drop down a trail and ride a 1/4 mile before getting back on the road.
I went by myself one day, passed that area with no incident, and was gone for an hour or so... On the way back I passed a small kid on the trail who was acting nervous and gave me a weird look.
I thought nothing of it and continued on... As I got in the trees on a narrow part of the trail I noticed a wall of rocks across the trail that were not there earlier... They were not very high, so I gave it some throttle to wheelie over them... Just then I noticed a guy off the trail colecting rocks... He freaked out and picked up a pitch fork and threw it at me as he rushed up to the trail... He barely missed my front wheel!
I reacted rather than thinking... I up shifted, dumped the clutch and pelted him with gravel... Another 30 yards up the trail there was another wall... I made it over it, but killed the engine... He was running up the trail yelling obsenities at me, so I took off.
I had a pretty good idea who it was.
I warned my friend as he lived close by and rode up there often.
A week later he was riding up there and stopped to take a leak... Next thing he knew someone was yelling at him from in the trees pointing a gun at him!
The guy came out of the trees and my friend was saying "don't shoot me, what did I do?"
The guy (whom we now know who he is) told my friend that riding in that area was illegal and to leave his bike and walk down to his house to call the cops.
My buddy told him he wasn't going to leave his bike, so they started walking down the trail to his house.
At this time my buddy noticed it was a BB gun, and started to mouth off to him.
They exchanged words, and my buddy was coasting on his bike... The guy let down his defense and my friend thought he could bump start his bike and take off... He skidded the rear wheel, and the guy started yelling at him to stop.
My buddy started the bike, took off, and got shot in the back by the BB gun!
He went home and called me.
I wish that 1 of us would have went with him and called the cops as I would bet he would have been in much more trouble than we would have been.
The same guy put stakes in a hill that mountain bikers use and is a popular sledding hill in the winter.
Yes, we should not have ridden there, but he was way out of line in his attempts to stop us.
He found out who and where we lived and after a ride one day he called to tell us next time we rode, there would be an officer waiting for us when we got back.