Get armor for sure! I got a Tek Vest by default (my boss at Ace Powder Guides got it for him but it was to big so he gave it to me). They don't constrict much if at all if you get the right size. I really like mine because i have a heavy guide backpack on all the time and it really helps distribute the weight. And as far as heat goes, its great because you can wear fewer layers. It can get hot on warm days or when digging sleds out, but i just treat it as another layer. Most days i just whear a light long underware layer, the tek vest, and a shell. If i can make a suggestion, get two different vests, one for dirt, one for snow... they are designed to be used in the cold/hot conditions depending on the season. If your only going to get one, get one for dirt. Easier to clean, and you wont get as hot and the vest won't get stinky. (if your wearing a tek vest in the summer your going to sweat!). Once you ride with armor, you'll never ride without it again! my $.02