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blown motor 2019 mt cat

Mag side Rod bearing went out and cracked block and took out mag piston and cylinder. Got a short block on order. question is cat dealer said Arctic cat came out with bulletin that said if this happens replace oil pump and injector on that side. Is there not a way to check function on the electric oil pump? 400 bucks or so on a pump seems crazy but i also want some assurance. just seems there would be a test for them? any body know?
You can also pulse 12 volts DC to the pump, with the oil lines off, to monitor flow. It's a pulse width modulation pump. Each application of 12V DC power delivers a dose of oil. Increase pulse frequency for greater oil volume. Don't apply power continuously.

The manual also has a resistance spec for the pump you can check.

I used a few D-cell batteries in series when I was rebuilding my engine. You can check pump function & purge the oil lines this way.

Make sure you seal your hood up (completely disassemble & use something like Permatex Ultra Black on the mating surfaces). The intakes rarely seal, and suck snow, steam cleans what little oil Cat programmed these things to use. I've sealed mine, added a Protect-Air thing, and premix oil in the tank at ~80:1. Pistons still looking good 1500 miles later (lost crank at 1800 miles, lower rod bearings were torched and pistons were a bit scored).
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