I'm looking to add some vents to my sled and also a 1" riser. I have the low bars but want them a tad higher and want to add vents to help with cooling. Let me know what you guys have used and like please post some links! As always thanks!
Tammy @ 2 Cool vents makes an excellent product- and Paul @ F-N-I are the two I always turn to for venting... I was speaking to Paul and he informed me that F-N-I is discounting all their vents for the pro's 2011-2015
I am not in favor of way that the MTN TEK blow hole exits this year on the Axys- vs. how it did on the pro's. On The AXYS 90* angle out the side panel.
As far as bar riser- I put the Polaris 1" on my low bars- pretty cheap ( I think $30.00) and is machined to the contour of the post and looks like it belongs there instead of a square piece of aluminum.
You had asked about bar risers, this is what I did....
Medium bars with an RSI 2", 15 degree. It gives about a total 1.5" rise because the bottom saddle is removed as well.