i have tried the stockers, 6.9 pilots, slydogs with keel extenders, the stockers again, slydogs again, and now i am going back to the stockers for one more try. i have been playing with sway bar in and out, stiffer springs, softer springs, limiter adjustments ect... here is what i found in my testing.
to me, stockers have a very aggressive keel and are twitchy and dangerous on trail, but they will put me wherever i want off trail. when we are outwest it is no big deal because, you dont ride much trail to get to the fluff. where i ride in northern ontario, i have to trail ride 15-30 miles one way to get to the good stuff. by the time i get there the stockers have me wore out. i truely am scared to ride this sled above 30-35mph unless the trail is very wide with no real tight twisties, with this set up.
pilot 6.9's are better on trail, alot less twitchy but, wont side hill or hold a line sidehilling unless you force it. then when you force it, you are in a snap turn. give and take with this set up, like the trail, hate the offtrail capabilities of this set up.
slydogs are like sybil, sometimes they are great, sometimes they are the worst ski ever. snow conditions, and temp have a HUGE EFFECT on this ski and set up. they have less ski pressure than most skis so, you need to pull the straps to get them to turn. then they suffer offtrail (plowing not floating). when you remove the ski pressure they dont twitch as much on trail but, they dont turn very well on trail, and are a very vague feeling ski in the powder. meaning they dont turn where you want them to go all the time.
i have finally repostioned my rear skid up in the rear to lower the rear and get ski pressure off the front end hoping this will help the stockers for me on trail, hoping this wont hurt them offtrail. for me they are THE ski in the powder and deep.
i have been working on this for over 2000 miles the last two seasons. it isnt like i havent gave this the college try. i want to like this sled i really doo but, i dont like the give and take. all my other sleds have done well on trail and off. confidence inspiring in both cases. i have not found a balance for this sled for me personally for both, you either have one or the other. i find this unacceptable that i cant balance this sled for myself. i will be the first to admit i am not a fan of rider forward, even though i ride dirt, sportbikes and supermoto bikes. i just cant get the feel for it with a sled.
hope this helps. ski