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Best friend


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He has many names Cheese Head , Clown Boy , Monkey Butt when things get real it's DOG! He responds to all , his full name is Viva El Conquistador Hondo . His mother is English and his father Spanish .
Hondo is a jobber Dog , he rides in or the back of the pickup with an opened kennel to come and go as he pleases and has been with me no matter where I go 24/7 he's even flown a few times . There has been only two times we've been apart and that wasn't but for a couple of days .
Hondo has what I would consider a Dogs life , there was no need for a leash but it was used sometimes , he preferred to carry it though . Always looking for fun , I watched him one time put a sneak on a cow moose . They where face to face about twenty feet apart and he dropped to his belly like a cat and bolted like a stick of dynamite was lit , shot between he legs from front to back . The cow didn't even have time to respond and since he got away with it he tried it with the cow's yearling , a young bull . Well that didn't turn out the way he planned it , that young bull decided he's doing the charge , Hondo new the harmless fun was over and quickly excused himself . He was always good about staging himself , if I would move to another location he would move also keeping himself between me and the moose , I guess he figured it was his responsibility . He was never a fan of bears though , I couldn't figure that one out . If he came across bear scat he would do his darnest to leave a present and if he didn't have one he'd lift a leg .
His nose did get him in trouble once in a while like the time he went up to a porcupine and got a tail in the face . Luckily it was a young one and only a dozen or so quills . It took two of us to get them out though , I had to put him in a head lock to pull them out with pliers . That was exhausting for all of us , he wanted them out and new what I was doing but couldn't help but pull away .
Kind of like a couple of times he'd be chewing up a stick and would get it stuck between his teeth or the roof of his mouth . He walked up to me and a friend with the biggest smile on his face that looked like the Joke in a Batman cartoon . My friend held his head as best as possible and I stuck a finger in there to pull it out from being wedged to the roof of his mouth , I was happy to get my finger back . Goldens are soft mouthed bird dogs but they have some serious crushing abilities with their molars , saw threw a rope like licorice .
We work a couple of different businesses and one of them my customers expect two things when I pull in the drive way , a clean pickup and Hondo , so I guess I was the third wheel :) He preferred to do those jobs after hours so not only the customer were home but the neighbor hood in some areas that new him by name .
Hondo told us it was time , cancer got the better of him , his mind was all there but his body was broke on the inside . We faught it when we found out but it was to late . He taught us a lot and can never be replaced but the next one will have some serious paws to fill :)

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Thank you , these guys make more sense to me than people . It's been awful quite around the house . I see a dust bunny under something in the garage and forget what I'm doing . The kennel might be in the pickup for a while . You can flirt with the girlfriend and make fun of me but the Dog is sacred :)

All sorts of recipes for pups to seniors .
IMG_20210814_114220691.jpg The peanut butter treats are pretty good , he gets half :)
Pup has DOUBLED in size since we picked her up.
Got her out on her first 2 mile hike yesterday.
Didn't think she would make it much past 1 mile, but she just kept right on trooping along with the Big Dogs..
We're going a different route with this guy , no dog food , he's weened off of kibble after his baby gruel . Think I've mentioned this before , average age not long ago was 16-17 and possible 20 . Now it's 11-12 and acceptable . Cutting up chicken for the insta pot , about two weeks when it's all said and done . Learned something 5 pounds of chicken is not 5 but 4 , saturated packaging brings it to 5 . Also had it with kitchen knives , amazing how much better a good hunting knife does the job , unfortunately I won't be getting one of them back :) IMG_20210920_105111825_HDR~2.jpg
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