Fix myself or go through hastle of insurance/dealer to replace and basically sled be done for this winter??? I'm leaning towards fix myself and add VE rear bumper with tunnel brace. (Lots of riding left this winter)
I'd get a repair estimate, make an insurance claim, and fix yourself. Definitely wouldn't scare me to keep pounding that thing straightened and braced up.
I went up a little kicker to do a 180 turn around and got bucked off in the air and only thing I can think of is the sled cork screwed/endoed and when it can down the tunnel landed on top (by tail light) just perfect to bend it down. It's bent down perfect on both sides right where the rear suspension braces stop on inside of tunnel. Didn't break the tail light or the stock flimsy rear bumper. Just another crazy deal I guess. Done it hundreds of times but this time didn't get lucky I guess, Sh*t happens!