The BCA Tracker is easy to use, as most have mentioned. It is a dual-antenna beacon, which provides directional as well as distance lights. It is the most popular beacon on the market. The tracker 2 will be a three antennae beacon; however, don't hold your breath for it to come out. We are hoping for it to come out in November, but we have been hoping that for 2 years.
The Pieps DSP is also a great beacon. It has three antennae and is easier for multiple burials than the tracker is. The three antennae helps eliminate spikes in readings when the beacon jumps from one flux line to another. This is not a big issue with dual antennae beacons if you practice with your beacon and know what it is.
Each beacon has its own unique features that "make it better than the other".
My personal recommendation would be to go with a digital beacon with two or three antennae. Then practice, practice, practice!