Currently much of the new snow lacks the cohesion to produce slab avalanches, however greater future heavy loading and very strong winds will quickly change this. In areas that may have initially had a good bond to the old snow or crust, the very cold temperatures over the past two days has likely weakened this due to faceting around the crust surface.
We can not emphasize enough how well set this scenario is for a rapid and significant avalanche cycle.Steep slopes should release initially with additional loading with lower angled terrain holding more loading and may release subsequently or with the additional weight of a traveler. This may be a case where lower angled terrain will not even be safe if loaded with significant new snow!
Currently much of the new snow lacks the cohesion to produce slab avalanches, however greater future heavy loading and very strong winds will quickly change this. In areas that may have initially had a good bond to the old snow or crust, the very cold temperatures over the past two days has likely weakened this due to faceting around the crust surface.
We can not emphasize enough how well set this scenario is for a rapid and significant avalanche cycle.Steep slopes should release initially with additional loading with lower angled terrain holding more loading and may release subsequently or with the additional weight of a traveler. This may be a case where lower angled terrain will not even be safe if loaded with significant new snow!