Hey I want to get a rear bumper kit for my 06 M7 and I like this one. I just want someone elses thoughts on it before I drop the green stuff on it. if you have any other places that sells them let me know thanks.
VE is def. The way to go. It costs just a little bit more to go 1st class, but when that BDX kit cracks your tunnel in mid Feb. 2010 you will be wishing you spent the extra 100 for the VE. (VE has cheaper solutions, but this one looks the best)
pm'd ya. if you take your time and install it in a few hours instead of a few minutes the bdx kit rocks. they have made brackets for inside the tunnel to reinforce it to eliminate the cracking. have over 3,000 miles on mine, i've yanked, banged and towed with it and no problems here. i think the key is a QUALITY install, not trying to be the fastest so you can brag, yeah i did mine in 20 minutes...