this may stir some debate, but I'm curious as to what other people think about congress' involvement in baseball and the steroid investigation?
First of all I think that it is a bunch of rich a**holes sticking thier uppity noses where they don't belong. We have police and the FBI notice the I for investigation! that are chartered to deal with stuff like this, and I just find it sad that congress is wasting its time with stupid A** hearings interviewing players, and assasinating characters of so many in baseball, just to make some scapegoats, but they take months to pass a war funding bill to make the money available to our desperately underfunded troops. How about getting their crap together with outlining how we should use our national parks, and working out a way in which we can coexhist with those that would like to see our riding areas taken away from us. I'm just frustrated with the whole thing I know as well as everyone else does that steroids were being used by many in baseball, but there is absolutely no way to get everyone who did it, so why go through these hearings, ruin the legacy of a certain few, and waste our taxpayers dollars debating something that is pointless. Spend the time and money on something that directly affects the constituents you serve, those who elected you, rather than spending our money on your self serving interests as a baseball fan...
really, I dont even like baseball that much just something to watch when theres no snow
First of all I think that it is a bunch of rich a**holes sticking thier uppity noses where they don't belong. We have police and the FBI notice the I for investigation! that are chartered to deal with stuff like this, and I just find it sad that congress is wasting its time with stupid A** hearings interviewing players, and assasinating characters of so many in baseball, just to make some scapegoats, but they take months to pass a war funding bill to make the money available to our desperately underfunded troops. How about getting their crap together with outlining how we should use our national parks, and working out a way in which we can coexhist with those that would like to see our riding areas taken away from us. I'm just frustrated with the whole thing I know as well as everyone else does that steroids were being used by many in baseball, but there is absolutely no way to get everyone who did it, so why go through these hearings, ruin the legacy of a certain few, and waste our taxpayers dollars debating something that is pointless. Spend the time and money on something that directly affects the constituents you serve, those who elected you, rather than spending our money on your self serving interests as a baseball fan...
really, I dont even like baseball that much just something to watch when theres no snow