Until this one…. It was kind of steep, the snow was deep and heavy. Both Brent’s went down and promptly got detained. After they got out we all went down for a try, I almost made it out but took on a tree. We worked to get Naomi out of that and when she started up she hesitated, something wasn’t right, I pinned her to get on out of the ravine and when I hit a flat spot she died. Siezed, game over. Brent and Rich hooked up to her and got her about 2/3 or the way. From there we hooked a rope from Naomi through a stuck sled uphill and had another sled going down. We worked until almost dark to get her out and then a rope snapped and hit me, game really over…. It was time to say good night to Naomi, she was going to have a long cold lonely night on Baker.
Got to ride Tandem with both Brents and get a few carves in, I swear that is a fun circus ride!
Home at 12:30 am and with a few hours of sleep we left at 8 to go get Naomi off the hill. Just Rich, Brent and mio this time. It was mothers day and it was looking like we were going to have the hill to ourselves, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, we were stoked. Then the FS dude shows up and we promptly find ourselves $550 poorer. Rich’s new sled registration hadn’t come in the mail yet and I guess a bill of sale doesn’t work in WA. There’s a $275 ticket for him. Then the FS dude turns to me and I’m on a 2010 proto-type with no vin, no stickers, no nothing. Yup, there’s another $275 ticket. Oh well, atleast we were allowed to hit the hill for our rescue mission.
We get our route picked out and drop into Naomi. She sure looks sad there on the hill by herself! Lol We had gotten her ¾ of the way up the hill the day before and decided to kick her to the bottom and get a good run at it again. The snow had set up pretty good over night and we really though we’d hook her up to the Nytro and out she would come, no problem. The snow was softening up big time and it was so sticky the skis would stick to the ground! We tried towing backwards with the track on the Nytro’s tunnel.
Then track on the ground, still backwards. Then with both sleds pulling, still backwards with a toboggan under the track. 4 tries later we start discussing other options. Realized we needed more tools to pull the motor and said “one more try!” this time facing forward, track loosened up and the 860 and the Nytro pulling. She went with out a fuss this time! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got her through the Blue Lake trail w/o a mishap. Down on the road with the studder bumps and she takes out the Nytro’s bumper.
I tow the rest of the way w/ the 2010 and it goes 90% well. One section of dropping onto the main road got a bit out of whack and we lost her off the other side of the road….. hahhahaa
Thanks to Brent (mc2stroke), Randy, Steve, Rich, Tami and Brent (playmate) for all your hard work and help up on the hill on Saturday. And then double thanks to Tami for letting me have her hubby for the day to finish getting Naomi out on MOTHERS DAY! And triple thanks to Rich, I know your knee is killing you and yet you put in many hours to help me. You are a good man! Playmate.... what can I say.. you are the best!