My buddy who owns the 900 and I took our last ride on March 14th, halfway through the day his 05 900RMK would up and quit, then fire up, ride for an hour, then quit again, then finally it quit for good right as we pulled up to the trailer. He has a new ecu for it so yesterday I tore into it. I got the tank removed and decided to check all the wires and check the stator for resistance. Sure enough the stator is junk. Now, I do all the work on this thing because my buddy is pretty much to busy, and if I were to wait for him to get to it, he would never ride again! LOL. I am glad I don't have to spend the money, but, man, sometimes it just sucks trying to keep this thing running. Just needed to vent to the fellow 900 riders who have all been here. LOL.