It is with great sorrow to announce the passing of a best friend of mine this past weekend. On friday a large group of riders was out in the Elkford,bc area snowmobiling in Tundra. Around 2:30 my buddy jumped on another sled to try it out and followed another guy on a large face. He cut of an avalanche that I have been told was a good 300 feet wide and moved fast. The other man on the hill at the time was burried but managed to keep his head above. Unfortunatly my buddy got sucked under. The other riders were quick to respond and began the search and rescue. Within minutes they had tracked him and began to dig him out. He held on to the sled and was trapped underneith it, so it took some time to free the body. He was approximatly 7-8 feet under so it was a lot of work to free him. There was two first responders that went to work on him but unfortunelty could not revive him. The helicopter was called in and he was moved to a safe zone. Everything that could be done was, and I want to thank all for their efforts. All I can say is be safe, watch the reports, buy and ABS bag and practice with all your gear. Lets do what we can to cut down on the fatalities and go home safe to our families. RIP in peace "ramp tramp", you will truly be missed!