Something I'd like you people who make/are in snowmobile videos to answer me.....Anyone ever notice that half of the riders in the snowmobile videos don't wear avalanche packs? What gives?? Throughout the avy training courses I've took through different providers around the west, they all preach 1 of the same things: WHEN RIDING THE BACKCOUNTRY, KEEP YOUR SHOVEL, PROBE, BEACON, AND OTHER IMPORTANT EQUIPMENT ON YOU(in a pack, not on your snowmobile) AT ALL TIMES, RIDING OR WATCHING
Alot of the people I ride with use that as an excuse when I call them out on not wearing a pack say, "Well the 'professionals' in the movies don't, why should I?"(I'm about to find different people to ride with) Believe it or not, now matter how old or young, the fellow riders in the sled industry look up to you guys in the movies.
So, Simple question: What is your reason for not wearing a pack? I'd love to hear a legitimate reason why avalanche safety is put in a back seat to looking "cool" on the big screen. Let's hear it.
Alot of the people I ride with use that as an excuse when I call them out on not wearing a pack say, "Well the 'professionals' in the movies don't, why should I?"(I'm about to find different people to ride with) Believe it or not, now matter how old or young, the fellow riders in the sled industry look up to you guys in the movies.
So, Simple question: What is your reason for not wearing a pack? I'd love to hear a legitimate reason why avalanche safety is put in a back seat to looking "cool" on the big screen. Let's hear it.