I am looking to see if any of you in or near the FLATHEAD are interested in an AVY class put on by Mike Duffy? I am in need of 30 people to pre-register in order for him to come teach the class. The class will be $45 and will be held at Penco in Kalispell. It will probably be on a weeknight from 6-10 p.m. (4 hours; times might vary). The dates are yet to be determined, but at this point I am shooting for around the end of December or early January. PM me or just give a shout if you are interested so I can start a tally. You can reach me during the day at 406-755-6229 (Penco) or on my cell at 815-980-6222.
Brock Bolin
Penco Power Products
Winter Wonderland Sports
Brock Bolin
Penco Power Products
Winter Wonderland Sports