Here is the post from the Castlegar forum. All riders are welcome. Must pre-register by Feb 15th. Thanks
Post subject: 2008 avalanche course
Talked with Jon Tweety- he is again willing to do an avalanche course designed with snowmobilers in mind. It consists of an evening of classroom theory ( approx 4 hrs) and a full day in the field. He would like to do the hands-on day up ladybird. We have talked about the Feb 22 - 24 weekend. The friday night theory class could hold a max of 16 people and then that number would be split to a max of 8 per Sat/Sun. The cost of the course is $135.00 and includes handbooks. Equipment required is a probe,shovel and beacon and of course a snowmobile to access the riding area. If anyone is interested or has any questions, please contact me at 365-8268 so I can confirm numbers with Jon. This is a really good course and something that everyone should have.
Post subject: 2008 avalanche course
Talked with Jon Tweety- he is again willing to do an avalanche course designed with snowmobilers in mind. It consists of an evening of classroom theory ( approx 4 hrs) and a full day in the field. He would like to do the hands-on day up ladybird. We have talked about the Feb 22 - 24 weekend. The friday night theory class could hold a max of 16 people and then that number would be split to a max of 8 per Sat/Sun. The cost of the course is $135.00 and includes handbooks. Equipment required is a probe,shovel and beacon and of course a snowmobile to access the riding area. If anyone is interested or has any questions, please contact me at 365-8268 so I can confirm numbers with Jon. This is a really good course and something that everyone should have.
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