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Avalanche Class December 4th & 5th Sign Ups



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Dec 4th - Awareness - CleEllum

Dec 5th - Skills Course - CleEllum

Come on kids! Many of you have been BEGGING for an on the snow class, well now ASAP is offering one! Prerequisite is that you have taken the Awareness class previously. For those who have not taken the Awareness class before you can do so on the 4th and then take the skills class on the 5th. Get it all out of the way in one weekend! :face-icon-small-coo

One day awareness: $90
Skills Course: $125
Combined: $185

These prices are for advanced sign up. Prices the day of the class will incur an additional $20 charge. You can sign up at: Chad's Email addy

More information posted by Chad Patterson:


Avalanches don’t just happen. They happen for a reason: People ignoring obvious clues in Mother Nature. There is a reason every avalanche accident report is just a variation of a previous avalanche accident… we are making the SAME mistakes, over and over.

The one day awareness class focuses on WHY we make inappropriate decisions in avalanche terrain and HOW to make better decisions based on solid information.

We focus on how to best use Avalanche Report as a primary tool in planning where to ride, when to ride there, and what to be aware of while out in the terrain.

Through small group activities, participants learn to recognize the patterns in
human behavior and decision making that has lead to previous accidents. Through this recognition we provide the training to help you have the discipline to follow a checklist of safety protocols that will let you go out, have fun, AND come back again.

The goal of this class is not to scare you away from riding. It is exactly the
opposite: We want you to ride, every day if possible, but doing so by choosing terrain appropriate to the hazard identified in the avalanche report.

Plain and simple: this class will make a difference in where you ride, how youride, and who you ride with.

To sign up for these classes online, go to www.BrownPaperTickets.com and type in snomo awareness.
Currently, the location for both the classroom and field courses is Cle Elum, Wa. There will be additional courses added at additional locations if there is a demand.You can choose from a variety of dates giving you the opportunity to choose a weekend and train one day while you and your partners ride the next day!

Endorsed by the Washington State Snowmobile Association (WSSA)

Avalanche Rescue Skills Course

This is a field-based class focusing on developing avalanche rescue skills.
Participants will learn to effectively and efficiently use a shovel, probe, and
transceiver in companion rescue scenarios.

By starting out introducing students to beacon theory, range, and proper usage, shoveling techniques, as well as the proper usage of the probe, participants will gradually gain confidence in the use of safety gear. By the afternoon, participants will be participating in group rescue scenario’s involving multiple beacons.

At the end of the training, participants will be competent in the use of their
safety gear, and will have been properly trained in how to conduct a safe and
effective companion rescue.

Participants will have access to an advanced “Beacon Basin” which allows instructors to activate one, two, or multiple beacons in a rescue scenario.

Participants are required to bring their own safety gear (shovel, probe, beacon), and dress for being outside all day.

Endorsed by the Washington State Snowmobile Association (WSSA)


Premium Member
Dec 8, 2007
lynnwood washington
safety matters

we have just lost the first snowmobiler to an avalanche this year in Utah. We will have 15 to 25 Avy deaths this year of snomobilers. 30 to 50 deaths a year in north america of all user groups. Snowmobilers average 50% of the annuall toll. this number can be reduced to 000.0 with education. We need to reduce these numbers one at a time. I LOST two family and friends a few years ago. Niether had friends set to rescue. One had 1 shovel and 5 rescuers attemting to dig and the other had one rescuer digging with his fingernails. They didnt have a chance to survive.
This is a good chance to get educated. The life you save may be your own. Bring your buddy. Your life depends on it.

WSSA Safety chair
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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
thanks everyone, we need a few more people to make the class happen, if you plan on just showing up, get a hold of me so I can count you in.
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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
I tried to sign up for tomorrow's class using Brandy's link.... not coming up. Where is tomorrow's class located? anyone coming over from the west side tomorrow morning? be nice to have some company....


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
Two points that hit me today....

1. we are not equipped with survival gear, consider it rescue gear. Wearing a beacon will only save you if your fellow riders are proficient in using it.... and you are only going to save your husband/wife/son/daughter/mom etc. if you are proficient - rescue is instinct - which means education AND (regular) practice.

2. When considering a maneuver, be it a high mark or whatever, think "would I do this without wearing a beacon?"

thanks Brandy and Brent for taking time out of your season to push avalance training!
Feb 1, 2008
Great class taught by some knowledgeable instructors that are also snowmobilers.

Not what I expected from an avalanche class, much better. It gave me tools to make sure I make it home from a day of sledding and keep others in my group safer.

Also was a real wake up call learning some of my gear just didnt cut it once you see what it takes to rescue someone from an avalanche. Buying a real shovel and probe today!! and going to make sure my friends dont have the same sh*t. (I thought I had nice suff)

The practice was an awakening on what it takes to rescue a victim. Its not just playing with your beacon.

I am going to make sure my riding partners take this class. For the cost its money well spent. Planning on attending a second time for even more practice and experience.



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007

Thanks you 2 for that feedback. VERY important!! :face-icon-small-coo

This past weekend's class was small, but it meant that the students received some real one on one type teaching. We had many good discussions with the group that allowed them to let down their guards, put aside any preconceived notions and allow their brains soak up the vast amount of knowledge that the instructors dished out.

I really appreciate these folks coming out this weekend! With it being the beginning of what looks like a fabulous winter, the recent fresh snow and sunshine on Saturday... I caught myself looking longingly out the window... lol But this takes committment AND sacrifice!! Good job people! :)

Sunday's class was good too. All hands on and in the snow. We tried to keep them all running as much as possible so that they didn't get cold with that nice little wind that kept coming through (cheeks are still red today!). I think every person there saw HUGE improvement in their confidence and skills by the end of the day. :cheer2:

It was also a good time for some to see that a probe is not necessarily a good probe! Same with shovels and packs. There are lots of options out there and getting to the GOOD stuff sometimes can be confusing, seeing it all first hand realllllllllllly brought it home for several.

I think we have a great crew of instructors to offer you all this winter! :whoo: Dan Otter has joined the ranks and if you don't know his story, it is worth the admission price alone! Chad Patterson and Ottis Buzzard have been teaching for quite some time now and in joining forces with Michael Jackson bring killer experience and knowledge to make these classes worth twice what the admission price is. :rockon:

Next class is January 8th and I expect that now with this past group giving feedback to their riding partners this class will fill up fast! :thumb:

Jan 26, 2008
Kent, Wa
For everyone who says I don't have the time or the money to attend or I already know what to do. Ask yourself if your wife/ husband / kids/ friends would have wanted you to attend after you don't make it back from a riding trip.

This course should be one of the 6 items required before you go out (if you don't know the other 5 items you need this course).

Dan's story was an eye opener, he is proof that miracles happen.

I've been riding for over 20 years, and have had all of the safety gear for the last 6 or 7. I thought I knew how to use it, after this weekend I saw how lacking in knowledge I was and how your "safety gear" does nothing to keep you safe. It is rescue gear guys, this is how you are going to rescue your friends or family members or how they are going to rescue you.

The safety gear is what you learn the first day, you have to rethink to keep yourself and your riding buddies safe.

This is put on by some very knowledgeable guys who are passionate about keeping us safe out in the back country. They all did a great job driving home the importance of training and practice.

Thanks to all of the trainers and volunteers for giving me one more tool to survive and come home to my family.

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