Struggled with this same question last year while snow checking a sled for RM Kueen (wife).
We ended up going with the Assault........ Wouldn't do that again!!
We exclusively ride in the Mnts. The Assault is a wheeling digging machine! We messed with all sorts of suspension set-ups only to still have the same result!
On hard pack, the sled is a climbing machine.. Roads and trails, unbelievable! But that is a very low percentage of our riding. Quite honestly the sled set her learning curve back!
One day she was on my 163 Pro and in a very short time was making that sled perform in ways that surprised us both! That is when I made up my mind to find a solution!
1. We swapped suspension
2. She took that trenching machine of a tractor lug track off the Assault and she installed a Challenger extreme... Yes' "she" installed!
3. We relocated the front skid mounts in the upper hole. This makes the sled much less aggressive and eliminated the wheely issue! There are two options to locate the front skid mounts however only one is drilled out from the manufacturer. RMK-upper / Assault-Lower
We are both extremely happy with the outcome and I am simply amazed at how much her riding progressed after this!
So.... If I was to consider an Assault today for Mnt riding, I would definitely order it with a powder track and locate the skid higher in the tunnel.