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Asking for riders' input about winter non-motorized areas (PART 9)


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Continued to start new thread.

To everyone following this and other threads involving WMC

WMC has admitted to being Randonne, they are 1 in the same. While WMC says they are 3 different people, we know for a fact that one of them is Randonne.

As far as I am concerned, whatever little credibility WMC had is now completely gone.

Posting under different names when 1 name has behaved badly, posting under multiple IP's and giving out misleading and false information are all indicators of what Randonnee, WMC and whoever else is a "member" of WMC actually are and feel they have to use to get what they want.

WMC and Randonnee will NOT be banned. I'm not going to give them the "SnoWest doesnt want to listen to our proposals or talk to solves issues so they banned us" excuse. This will more than likely turn into a very heated discussion and while we know there have been threats towards members of SnoWest by Randonnee in the past, I urge all SnoWest members to keep cool heads and to show the respectful, professional behavior that everyone has shown up until this point. We are "honest", hard working stewards of the forests and we need to continue to show the world as such. We need to show that we will not stoop to the level of so called groups like WMC who lie and deceive others to rally their causes.

I will be the first to admit........in a ironic sort of way.........WMC being here is a good thing. It has united the sledding community. It has opened our eyes and shown us that we need to keep vigilant in protecting our rights to use the forests we love. I understand and respect that others groups, other people view these areas differently, want them changed.........they have the right to try and do what they feel they need to do to fulfill their agenda. But, in order to be taken seriously, any movement has to have credibility and integrity.
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WMC claims to ride a sled then posts stuff like this on the skier forums(Turns all year). "I still expect to readily find public space free of noise and stink and reasonably natural" Well....I made the switch to Redline racing oil so it smells sweeter than the south side of any Victoria Secret model!

Now....I have been told that I am being to tough on a person(WMC) that may have done what may have been perceived as lies, mis-representing the facts, used trumped up informatin, possible lies and over stating the amount of snowmobilers in areas. I must make right my transgressions. Tonight I will confess my wrongs to the cute bartender..opps I meant a priest.

Should a person (any person) that will post a request on a Canadian web site and ask for them to write letters to the USFS to further their goals, be respected? Any person (not necessarily WMC) with that kind of integrity will have no problem stupping as low as putting some sled tracks into the wilderness and then taking pictures...To fix my Karma I am offering WMC a heart felt appoligy if I have hurt his thin skinned feelings:hurt:(when I say thinned skinned I mean skins..like the jargon for skis). I am sooooooo broke up over this you all have no idea...I have made transgressions to the edge and back.:devil:

Here is just an example of some of the crap...oppps I mean confused and distorted information from a fanatical group of very few people trying to further their personal agenda..(this may be from anybody, not necessarily WMC even though on TAYS it said WMC..could be an imposter)) a person who cant decide who he wants to be or what he is in life as he puts stuff on other forums.
this was his skier forum post.
"There is no website. No budget, no funds, just some skiers advocating for non-motorized winter recreation. We have the email address. We have informal discussions and email communications. We talk to USFS personnel and we write to USFS as individual citizens. The WMC core are acquainted with each other.

We (WMC)are avoiding putting names out in public because of the immediate and aggressive tactics used by individuals who state that they are motorized advocates. Some of us who have advocated have experienced the foul language, threatening language, phone calls to homes, email messages. Some of those opposing non-motorized advocacy seem to want to intimidate anyone advocating for non-motorized recreation. On some motorized Forums names and addresses of non-motorized advocacy folks are posted, stories told of intimidating 'skiers,' vandalizing 'skiers' cars, even a story of snowmobile riders punching a skier in order to properly educate him. We will not be intimidated, but will not give easy opportunity for their foolish behaviors

Is this the mystery man behind WMC??:boom:

big butts.JPG
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