I used to do the same, until I saw tests of bullets and sheetrock. Shotgun ammo and bullets will go through many walls before stopping. Extreme Shock Ammo breaks up when it impacts, to protect your family on the other side of the wall. Great stuff! Check out their site.
Worse than taking anothers' life would be to injure/kill the loved ones while you're trying to protect
Yep that would work.
I wont say wether I pack or not..keep your tools classified..the more you advertise it the more someone else can plan accordingly.
I prefer the mental sound effect of a pump shotgun for home protection. Utilize a short barrel(barely legal) and pistle grip/folding stock. I use modified R870/12 G but I think 20 G would suffice for most. In the first two-three use hypervelocity bird shot and remove the birdshot and replace it with 1" flechettes. A flechette round contains hundreds of small, needle- or razor-like projectiles. If you dont do your own re-loading go to
Note: incenery rounds are real pretty for home protection but only at the door way. I would only use this on rental property and have a fire extenguisher nearby just in case.
It is an urban myth that bird shot will go thru multiple layers of drywall. Nothing more than some spackling needed. At close range the spread of bird shot is no more than 1.5in. even with a short barrel. Bird shot holds a tight pattern. no 4 round= hand packed shot with salted pork rind. Way better than pure salt..it will penetrate and fester up real bad with great scarring. OR for 4 and above use a light load buck shot for the drug infiltrated body and brain.
Small handguns are best next to the bed for quick grabs.
If you know how to aim you dont have much to worry about with penatration damage with bird shot. Have a dog or two that will bark/bite
A home protection dog trained well costs more than a good hand gun. They have the early warning capability though. An Akita will give their life for you and a Bicheon inside will let you know way before the Akita does.
Train in martial arts as a life long activity, it will increase your awareness. I would stay away from the limited contact arts like Tai kwon do. I mean no disrespect for any TKD student or master. It just isnt in the realm of full contact hand to hand or home protection. Once you know the "feeling" that you are comfortable and capable of disarming someone as long as they are in very close range of course, it will just make you smile. Did I mention an Alarm system also.
Keeping your back to the door is good in public places but in the high tech world it is easy to get focused in your laptop and lose your awareness...thats were some good martial arts training comes in to play..I am not talking a year or two either...it takes along time but you are never too old to start. Do not limit yourself to one tool in the tool bag
Heartfelt sympathies to the officers and their families.