it is a great very funny flick and finely shows things from us hillbillys point of view. shows one of the big problems with the kids(a.k.a city folks) good stuff
"Hey cullege kids! we got yur friend!" its one of those movies that never gets old. most people i ask have never heard of it, good to see others that enjoy fine cinema.
Just watched it for the 20th time two days ago. Me and Dale i mean Dale and me could be brothers my beards just alittle bit longer.
Run Ronnie Run, Trailer Park Boys and Tucker & Dale vs Evil are some of the best movies no one ever hears of.
"Dozy of a day officer there we were just minden our own business when all the college kids just start killen themselves"
we found it in the redbox the first time we seen it. after watching it we had to buy it, those nights your sitting around drinkin beers and there's nothin else on its a good go to if ya need a laugh. "you gotta take the safety off, right there on the side" BOOM