prior owner not on this site but was an avid snowbiker in WA. I am taking the bike to my town in CO at 8800' we ride up to 12000+' and its much colder there then in the cascades. The bike has a jd jetting controller, nice motor wrap, and a skin filter over a wire frame in the airbox. He said he never had any issues with fuel getting in the oil at least up to 10000' and down to about 20deg.
I love and have owned these bikes in supermoto trim and know how to make them run like a bat from hell on the road but the snow is new to me.
The previous owned had rigged up a second battery to give more cranking power when cold (bike has a bike master gel cell in it) Which I might do as I see alot of below zero temps a good ten days a year of -30 or more.
I'm hoping it runs great with no fuel in oil like the previous owner said but I'm leaning towards a dobek just in case there not to spendy for a good fix. let me know if you get your on snow and we can work through any bugs together.
Oh and no thermostat.