Ahhhhh Grey's Harbor.
We have a family friend who is from Westport. He took my dad and grandpa fishing and in return we took him elk hunting here in Montana.
In 1986, when I was 14, he invited me to go work on his charter boat as a deckhand.
Summer of '87, when I graduated 8th grade, my family drove me out there and I spent the summer puking over a rail, baiting hooks, and cutting sea bass fillets.
I have NEVER gotten my ears so flippin sunburned in all my life. By the 3rd week, they bled so bad and were so cracked...I had no idea it was that bad.
I puked almost every single day for 2 months. It was awful.
I learned a lot about a lot...and pretty much lived on my own for those 2 months I was there.
It rained a LOT. I got WET.
On my way home in mid August, the salty sea air and cool humidity kept me from realizing that 20 miles inland it was almost 85°. Wow was it hot when we got past Aberdeen. LOL
I've been back there twice. Once with my wife (we didn't puke at all) and the second time, about 4 years ago, I ripped my guts out but I kept fishing all day.