i my self own a 2007 xrs this is my newest sled i have ever owned had it for two seasons now well actually one and a half cause in 09 blew the crank and had to park it to save to get a new crank warranty ran out had other issues with it to but when it runs good they do go good have tried the xp also they sure do climb good but feel different then the rev but im sure once your used to it the sled would be no problem to ride just like my rev took a bit to get used to but once you get used to the way it handles easy sled to ride. i dont know do like both forsure i would love to have a new xp cause they do go good and they are lighter the only thing i dont like about the xp is they do feel weaker but they say they are stronger but then you here also about the clutches dont stay aligned but you can buy that thing to keep em aligned (cant think of the name of it but looks like it works),also seen a guy with a new xp and the track was rubbing on the bolts near the back of the track on his first ride but like i said xp is lighter and that is what most of us mountain riders look for.to be honest wish i had an xp, a m1000, and a dragon, and a nytro.but dont think that will happen till i win the lottery . man i cant wait for winter sick of summer it is so damn hot just roasted at work today