Never hear too much about them on these sites. Their specs are awesome and they are local guys building them. Just curious...looking for feedback, might be looking at a used one for next season.
Yeah I had a buddy with one. He liked it a lot but he is hard on stuff. Always pushing to the limit and beyond. Used to always be breaking something. Then parts were really expensive and he always had to wait on shipping. That is what you get with Turn Key sleds. Great rides, but if you ever damage or break anything it cost big money and normally takes time to ship parts.
Had a buddy with one, rode it a couple of times - not impressive. Old chassis didn't feel good and the motor came apart every time he rode it. Has to wait FOREVER for pistons then when he received the pistons, they didn't make it 5 miles and the skirts came apart. Honestly, CMX needs to get a clue and at least upgrade their chassis from the genII to something at least a little newer.
coming off an 07 cat it took a little getting use to but after a while i liked it. had awsome power you could really feel the weight dif. but i think i like my M1000 better just because of the old feel of the cmx. now if the were build a new CMX With the Mseiries it would be unstoppable. o ya and nock off about $20,000 and i would consider getting one...
i ride with one all the time. my dad has an 02 with an 1155psi motor in it.(the 1085 blew up) since the new motor the sled rips. had it for three years now and no problems other than shattering some reeds. definately not a bumpy trail sled but you can climb a tree with it
Yes. They are light, breakable, and fast. The 07 800 is by far the fastest, hardest pulling sled I have ridden. Faster than the 995,1085, or 1200. Mark knows how to build a fun sled. I can not afford one, if I could not sure I would buy one.
for the money.. dont waste your time.. expecially if they have a psi motor in the chassis.. Buddy had one for three years it always ran really good for about 30-60 miles then chit started to go wrong.. With the feel of the new sleds compared to the cmx?!? mcx doesnt compare IMO