I would not hesitate to order anything that is TRUE NORTH brand. There is a reason that most of the wildland guys will trade most their bags and the issued gear inside them for someone elses older standard issued bags. Our agency does not issue True North anymore and went to a more generic type pack, a blue pack that is garbage in my opinion, just does not fit.
The other pack that I have looked at is the wolf pack, but it is twice as expensive as True North gear's setup. It also looks really comfortable, and already has integrated hydration in it, and sits nice on your hips. I have not worn this pack before so i will not say one way or the other on it, but I have heard good reviews.
The pack I have is an older firefly model. What I like about it is that it is real easy to get in and out of the main bag, and that main bag does come apart in times you need just the web gear, which is a life saver to drop all the weight and just wear the straps and the accessories and the fire shelter. They have large oversized zippers that are built strong, and everything is reinforced many times over. I like their gear so much I have bought their radio harness, which if he caries a radio make sure he gest one that is mesh backing and a three strap design, much easier to wear long periods and is a lot cooler for the body. (only downside is on the body storage, which I just use the cargo pant pockets for anyways....)
Make sure that he has the added accessories that he will need for it, flagging pouch, canteen pouch, etc. I went and bought just a camelbak locally later, bought the insulated hose cover, and added it to my pack, cheap option or just use one you already have.
Places to buy online are the easiest, and by far the cheapest route for gear.
http://www.firecache.com is one of the best sites for all gear, or
http://www.wildlandwarehouse.com/ is another great place to buy from. Wolf packs i have seen before on the firecache and they also carry true north, but here is their site too,
If you need pics of how I have mine setup to see if that is what he likes, shoot me a PM or something.