I am not an engineer but work with them all the time. A couple of things most engineers refer to them as Wide flange beams. Second looking at a wide flange table a S5 beam is listed as either a S5x10 or S5x14.75 the other number represents the weight per linear ft. their capacities will be slightly different do to the increase in their thickness Are you looking for no deflection over the 15' span or can you live with what code allows which is a ratio of the beam length. certain situations call for no deflection. Are you looking for a uniform load capacity? A point load capacity would have to take into account where the point load lands on the beam with regards to the end supports of the beam. That is about as far as i can go. Its been a long time since i have had to actually calc a beams capacity
I am considering adding a small mezzanine in a garage which is 30' wide.
I would love to go full 30' span, but I don't think that's practical so I have accepted the idea of a support midway...Choosing a S5 to minimize the loss of headroom below mezzanine.