What's up with the pu$$y a$$ kids today anyway? When I was in school if 2 kids wanted to fight they just duked it out. We didn't need 2 of us to go beat on one. And chances are by the next week the kid you wanted to beat senseless was one of your buddies. Nice to see the rest of the sheep just cheered it on. Back in my hometown an attack like that would have gotten the bullies beat on daily by the rest of the school for the rest of the year.
Exactly. Well said. The days of a "fair fight" are long gone. If it should be a "One on one" dust-up the winner ends up having to look over his shoulder for the kid with a knife or gun for a long time to come. I've seen cars and houses torched because of teen scraps. So true too that years ago the guy you fought ended up being your friend. In parts of Western Canada, and not just Vancouver, Asian Gangs are becoming a seriously scary problem. One on one they are completely and utterly gutless but they travel in groups of 10 or more and terrorize the he!! out of everyone in their path. Every single one of them now is packin a blade and some even have guns. I never thought I'd ever give my 16 and 18 year old boys this advice but I've told them, "never be too proud to run". Biggest problem, if they get arrested not a dam thing can be done with them. I say deport their slanted A$$es!