Up until last year, I was a parts guy at the lcoal JD dealership here, 18+ years experience. The 110TLB was not a Hitatchi product, Hitatchi only makes excavators for Deere (with a couple exceptions back in the early '90's) and Deere made a couple dozer models in return. The 110TLB was a coopertive product using features found in the compact-utilty, farm, and construction product lines. So any JD dealer tht is an Ag or CP (Consumer Products) dealer should be able to get the parts not just a Construction/Forestry dealer.
That being said you might get a dealer to get you dimensions of the original bushings, if the dealer is willing to help you like that and there is a print available... Also some parts may be made with a bushing welded into the assembly. Stupid but true, cost cutting efforts do happen in design.
Also there were some parts that Deere did not even have blueprints for, this made it frustrating trying to identify an incorrectly packaged part if there's nothing to compare to.
If you haven't tried already go to
www.jdparts.deere.com and you can access the parts catalog after selecting your region and language. The parts catalogs on JDparts can be accessed without a login...You can register there to get a login/password and then you can choose your dealer and actually see the price of a part and if they have it in stock and order it via e-mail from your dealer. This also unlocks some other features of JDparts, such as cross refernces and the ability to search for a part (like pins, bushings, bolts etc. by size).
I can tell you from experience the reason the starter was so expensive is that motor is a Yanmar (Japanese) diesel, and Yanmar engine parts and related electrical are always expensive, especcialy if a reman option isn't available. But Yanmars are very good engines, Deere's used them in a lot of the compact utility tractors for years as well as some commercial mowers and lawn mowers.
Each JD dealer is free to set their own prices, so if you're not in a big hurry you might be able to shop around. I looked a little bit on the parts catalogs for the boom and dipperstick, the pins and bushings for the loader are parts supplied by the Farm Loader division, so they may not be available aftermarket. The bushings on the swing frame I looked at are from the construction division, so they possibly could be available aftermarket.
If you need help or have further questions let me know! It's a shame that Deere discontinued production of that model, they were very popular in our area here.