Toms. Reasons; Tom took a look at the way the Pro works and identified some issues. The skid works well in deep snow, especially light deep snow. Ride on the bumps or across ruts is terrible. Only real complaint I had with my 12 Pro. Was definitely going to do a shock upgrade, either Foxes or Raptors. Tom is a Jedi with the Foxes. I really like that they are very light and supremely adjustable. I like the way air works as a spring. Something the coil spring makers work very hard to replicate with double or triple rates springs. I am also of the mind to keep my engine stock and retain the 4 year warranty so to add performance I have to go lighter. The Toms Pro skid is 10lbs lighter than stock and has the much stronger Ice Age rails. He is also super fast on in season service, turned a damaged shock around in one day last winter so I could make a trip to Wyoming.