I got out today and was very happy for a few reasons. Sled is an 800 155" 2.6" track. First of all the snow was great in Colorado. Up top we had around three feet of fresh. It really allowed us to dig in and carve in the areas where we typically know the terrain is safe for early riding.
Coming off of two Pro's (2011/2013) I gotta say the Axys is really different in my mind. Right out of the parking area it is much easier to get on it's side and more balanced when it is there. It feels like a narrower front end. But it feels great carving, good balance without fighting. See the video below, at the end I almost hit my buddy because I expected the sled to just upright itself and it stays balanced. My bars are the low ones and they are perfect.
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The motor had so much oil in it (40:1 per Polaris) that it was a little boggy and definitely smokey. I might need a new set of plugs after the first tank. But the motor pulls well. I rode my buddies sled with 4 more rides and the SLP pipe/can setup and it pulls hard! They get up quick. I really don't think it will disappoint!
My only concern is the track. I'm not sure what to think of it yet. Stiff but didn't feel like it hooked up like a stiff track. Kinda felt like the 5.1. Brakes seemed strange to me too, but I haven't ridden since last May so maybe that is it. Sled is really wobbly on the trail, but that is testament to how well it does in the carving department.

Coming off of two Pro's (2011/2013) I gotta say the Axys is really different in my mind. Right out of the parking area it is much easier to get on it's side and more balanced when it is there. It feels like a narrower front end. But it feels great carving, good balance without fighting. See the video below, at the end I almost hit my buddy because I expected the sled to just upright itself and it stays balanced. My bars are the low ones and they are perfect.
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The motor had so much oil in it (40:1 per Polaris) that it was a little boggy and definitely smokey. I might need a new set of plugs after the first tank. But the motor pulls well. I rode my buddies sled with 4 more rides and the SLP pipe/can setup and it pulls hard! They get up quick. I really don't think it will disappoint!
My only concern is the track. I'm not sure what to think of it yet. Stiff but didn't feel like it hooked up like a stiff track. Kinda felt like the 5.1. Brakes seemed strange to me too, but I haven't ridden since last May so maybe that is it. Sled is really wobbly on the trail, but that is testament to how well it does in the carving department.

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