Our new hard sided tunnel bag will be available for shipping Feb 12th. This bag uses the same rails as our jugs (with the same spacing) and is big enough to carry all your necessities. Depending on your sled, you can carry the bag and your TrackRack jugs! The bag alone is $109, if you need/want the mounting kit add $40.
We have also added a full line of name brand Outdoor Products! Everything from Ammo, camping, tents, boats, hunting, archery, sites/scopes, clothing and much more-over 15,000 items to choose from, with names like Winchester, Nikon, Seylor, and Woolrich! Go to www.mountainaddiction.com then click on the "outdoor recreation" tab.

We have also added a full line of name brand Outdoor Products! Everything from Ammo, camping, tents, boats, hunting, archery, sites/scopes, clothing and much more-over 15,000 items to choose from, with names like Winchester, Nikon, Seylor, and Woolrich! Go to www.mountainaddiction.com then click on the "outdoor recreation" tab.