The amp style is a direct replacement for the Pro brake lever. It's a shorter reach by 1/4" ish so if you have smaller hands it's pretty slick if your unhappy with the stock Pro brake lever. Pull the brake lever pin and swap and your back in business with the AMP style. It will also work for the standard RMK I found, however you will NOT have a parking break if you use it! That seems to be the difference between the PRO and the standard RMK, the PRO has the little bit of metal you flip over to set the parking break where as the standard RMK has the red lever that catches steps on the inside of the brake lever to hold it in place. Using the AMP style on the standard RMK means you have no parking break, but that can be handled with a strap, zip tie, etc. since I only use the parking break when trailering, etc. So after all the trial and error my wife hopped on the sled and didn't like the AMP style lever so back to stock it went lol.