I noticed that there seems to be a little slack in my throttle cable at the throttle block that wasn't there before. We always check full throttle in the race cars, no sense in paying for the HP is you never use it. So the easy way to do this is have someone push down on the pedal until it stops then turn the shaft that the butterflies connect to and see if it moves. So on the Pro, I see the round bell crank that sits right behind the brake disc that appears to be connected to the butterflies in the throttle bodies. When the flipper is against the bar I can turn that crank a little bit,maybe 1/4". It feels like you are pushing against another spring that last little bit. I don't want to be stressing the throttle cable for nothing. Running the cable too tight can wear out the bushings in the throttle bodies and break the cable over time. Any advice? BTW, the sled runs strong. I pull 8150-8250 at the elevation my clutch is set up for.