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alrighty guys BRAIN PICKER

I studded my uncles polaris 2006 edge touring snowmobile for traction and safety. I didnt do tunnel protectors yet.

1.) Do i really need them. I do not want to put them in. I broke down a year ago and hide to ride 2 up with him. We bottomed out the sled 5 times and there is no signs that the track every hit the tunnel. That said this touring sled does not have coolers running in the tunnel. They must be in the seat. to the cooler in the back. Now after adding the studs i dont see them hitting the tunnel after hitting a huge bump so why should i put the protectors in.

2.) Say they did hit. Worse case senario what is the damage gonna be.
worst case is the studs rip thru the front cooler and or if the studs are long enough will ruin the tunnel and could even go thru the gas tank...use the tunnel protectors..a wise choice...

Cooling goes down the running boards on that machine to the rear cooler. As Dragin says, only issues would be front cooler. Gas tank would be a remote possiblity because the cross shafts have the suspension low enough. The 2 up machines have pretty stiff rear springs too. If he rides it alone most of the time I think I would just keep an eye on it and check for scratches in the tunnel every once in a while.
i know the safe bet is to put in protectectors but that is a 4 hour job.

How would they hit front cooler. The protectors dont protect the front cooler.
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