Usually, once winter sets in I get a nice break from allergy symptoms.
This winter has NOT been that way.
In fact it has been worse than most summers.
I am guessing it may be the lack of snow cover, but I really do not know.
That's why I was wondering if other allergy sufferers out there were experiencing the same thing?
absolutely. i was on 3 shots a week for 4 years. 2 steroid shots every summer.
in the spring time if it gets ahead of me i cant even leave my house and go to work they get so bad. the steroid shot wipes them out though its AMAZING. doctors say ive got the worst allergies theyve seen.
winter time was always my favorite due to no allergies. thats not the case this year. as soon as i wake up i have problems.
my guess is that its the Chaff that the military is spraying in the air. look it up. its a chemical they spray to block radar. so they say... wait.. they also say its to fight global warming. wait... they also say its to fight against biochemical warfare.
its a confirmed activity that was a conspiracy theory for quite some time.
also known as "Chemtrails"
the biochemicals within wear down a persons immune system. respritory problems, long term effects, and short term aleffects.
i used to think it was because of extra humidity/moisture causing an increase of mold and mildew. but the moisure has been pretty absent. its coming though guys dont worry.
but its got to be the chaff. thats the only thing that makes sense to me. when you look up chaff, you can find it on google, even on . they will only give you a hint of the contents within: "small pieces of aluminum and other chemicals, even pieces of metalic paper". the mainstream wont disclose the full contents of these chemicals cause obviously its military.
but if you look up chemtrail lab results, you will find that it includes the aluminum and metalic paper that is in chaff. but you will find the whole list of contents within, and its rather scary. to me its more intriguing more than anything... cause in my eyes its another tactic for population control which is talked about on the news even. pretty interesting if thats the case... getting people sick and/or weak for a major cause or plan influenced by something powerful.
as the news now covers it... "it could be meant to wear down a persons immune system" , for us allergy sufferers, that would most certainly inflame our condition. thats my take on it, as it makes the most sense to me compared to any other possible reason.
and its not just you and me. everybody that i know. all over the place. anyone that has seasonal allergies, are unuasually having allergy problems this winter season.
it cant be that the vegitation is confused cause ofthe dry weather... it hasnt been sunny for anything to grow, and it has been dry.