Looking for feedback from those who've installed any of the different aftermarket coolers available for an '11 Pro RMK 800 163".
Under normal riding conditions cooling is adequate, however I'm going to be spending a fair bit time this year riding with my 7 yr. old son at less than optimal trail speed for the Pro cooling system.
Even with scratchers, full snowflap(Dragon), & Water Wetter I still couldn't keep the temperature even close to in check last year.
Reports from those running the std. RMK show a marked improvement in cooling system performance. Just wondering if the rear mounted cooler offerings will be as effective as the front mount design of the std. RMK?
I've also contemplated the "$28 Upgrade" but feel that it's benefits will be negligible without additional cooling capacity for the lower speed operation.
Thanks in advance for your feedback,
Looking for feedback from those who've installed any of the different aftermarket coolers available for an '11 Pro RMK 800 163".
Under normal riding conditions cooling is adequate, however I'm going to be spending a fair bit time this year riding with my 7 yr. old son at less than optimal trail speed for the Pro cooling system.
Even with scratchers, full snowflap(Dragon), & Water Wetter I still couldn't keep the temperature even close to in check last year.
Reports from those running the std. RMK show a marked improvement in cooling system performance. Just wondering if the rear mounted cooler offerings will be as effective as the front mount design of the std. RMK?
I've also contemplated the "$28 Upgrade" but feel that it's benefits will be negligible without additional cooling capacity for the lower speed operation.
Thanks in advance for your feedback,