The only drawback's that I experienced was of course having to run a higher octane fuel because it is more likely to detonate having more time to burn in there
also that with the advanced timing I couldn't hold a steady throttle in the midrange for very long without overheating (the egt's would rise quickly). /QUOTE]
Two issues i like that you brought up..i did have the det sensor go off running 91 the first time in three years on the ONLY TANKFULL i ran out of my 60 point (6 octane) that leads me to say the motor is not intended for 91 like it was built for..
and your midrange heat issue i think is partly addressed in the doo forum by BIGJOHN..which i just read..he says go away from controlled valves to the STM..and have the valve open earlier..he indicated that the mid temp heat is the bigbore trying to exhaust through too small a port if the valve aint open so have it open earlier with the adjustable stm...which i have..and you can run a leaner mixture in the range that was previously im gonna try that
i am going to send my jugs/pistons/heads/and stm valves to Linderman and he is going to recheck port timing/squish etc etc and put my stuff on his test i think we may discover a few things..if he can;t find it im told nobody i think RKT is a safe bet as well...
but back to the topic..i only am accessible to 91..but removing the key isn;t the answer...i would have thought that having the advance spark would ignite the burn earlier and ending it a bit sooner just at the right PREVENT DETONATION of having the burn happening too long after TDC..??