For those that have adjusted belt side clearance in the primary clutch before I have a quick question. I took mine apart today expecting a few shims under the spider and thinking removing 1 or two would give me the desired clearance. There is the one spacer that is shouldered (never measured thickness) and only one shim (20 thou). Looking on Polaris parts breakdowns online the flat shim only comes in a 20 thou thickness but the shouldered spacer comes in 0.032, 0.050, 0.025, and 0.130. By the way the two shims go in the clutch, it seems that both HAVE to be in there, so is the shouldered one the only way to change this using OEM parts? Clutch is off an 09, 800 RMK, and factory clearance with a new belt is a whopping 70 thou.