My 14 pro had a par 12.5 head and mds weights from new. Just added CPI pipe+ can and pcv, with slp map. Never added weight wanted to see if pipe gave more rpm. But have a bad mid range bog now. Any ideas.! And tps was just set at dealer.
Not sure the fuel %, but the dealer said its a slp stage 3 map. The same map they used on 5 other 14 pros. Only differance is they have slp and I got CPI exhaust.
Contact CPI and/or find someone running their pipe/can. Bogs can be lean or fat. Best place to start. EGT, plugs, wash, A/F to figure it out otherwise, but results could be costly if you can't get some input from CPI or a shop that sells CPI setups, first. Good luck.
I got 68.5g I think hex and washer in tip. If I just get on the gas slow its ok tell around 6000 and then falls on its face. When in the bog I can let off and pin it very fast a bunch of times and will rev out.