I have a 13 Pro with 650 miles and the 4 yr warr. The past few rides I have noticed a loss of WOT, RPM. First run down the trail in the am after a warm up to 100 degrees or more it will pull 8200, but an hour later cant get it to pull more than 7700 and wont the rest of the day even on the trail where it did pull 8200 earlier in the day. So I took it to the dealer explained my problem and also had them do the QD service inspection. When I returned they told me they did all sorts of tests, compression, leak down, checked thee TPS and looked at the exhaust valves checked the clutch's and some other stuff on the digital wrench. Couldnt find any problem, but then charged me .7 hours and said that I had to pay because they dont get paid unless they replace parts under warr. They also charged me for 2 new spark plugs which I have no problem with. I do have an issue with the .7 hours for checking the sled over. Do all dealer do this or should I contact Polaris and let them know there warranty coverage sucks at certain dealers.
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