Bought my 2012 assault allmost 2 weeks ago, and damn is she pretty, allmost hate to ride her, naa maby not 
Fired her up today for the 2nd time, playing around a bit just hearing how she runs, revving her up a bit, clutch engagement for the first time.
Rembered this time around to check the handwarmers, and of course they work, Hit the PERC button and nothing, hit it again holding it for a bit, let go, nothing at all.
no lights, no engine cut or nothing just purring along.
shut her off, grabbed the manual (after a bit of head scratching) and found the reverse section and nothing out of the ordinary, im coming off a 04 RMK with PERC so i didnt expect anything different here.
fired it up again and tryed a few things, that button just does not freaking work.
i rember going to the dealership and on the way reading mountainhorses thread about new sled inspection and i nailed most of it execpt for the reverse function (and hand warmers)
Now i know they test these machines before leaving the factory, i would be supprised if the PERC wasnt checked for function and it sent out to the dealer.
I assuming its something minor like a loose plug, but i cannot find the circut down below to save my life, the dealer is a little over an hour out and i dont want to find a way to lift that thing in the back of the truck again. what does it plug into? what could be wrong if my PERC wont function?
outside of a loose plug or wire its simply going back to the dealer, but if i can avoid it i would love to.
Lesson learned, inspect your machine fully before leaving.

Fired her up today for the 2nd time, playing around a bit just hearing how she runs, revving her up a bit, clutch engagement for the first time.
Rembered this time around to check the handwarmers, and of course they work, Hit the PERC button and nothing, hit it again holding it for a bit, let go, nothing at all.
no lights, no engine cut or nothing just purring along.
shut her off, grabbed the manual (after a bit of head scratching) and found the reverse section and nothing out of the ordinary, im coming off a 04 RMK with PERC so i didnt expect anything different here.
fired it up again and tryed a few things, that button just does not freaking work.
i rember going to the dealership and on the way reading mountainhorses thread about new sled inspection and i nailed most of it execpt for the reverse function (and hand warmers)
Now i know they test these machines before leaving the factory, i would be supprised if the PERC wasnt checked for function and it sent out to the dealer.
I assuming its something minor like a loose plug, but i cannot find the circut down below to save my life, the dealer is a little over an hour out and i dont want to find a way to lift that thing in the back of the truck again. what does it plug into? what could be wrong if my PERC wont function?
outside of a loose plug or wire its simply going back to the dealer, but if i can avoid it i would love to.
Lesson learned, inspect your machine fully before leaving.
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