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A few choice quotes from change.gov


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
You guys are gonna love this stuff.
Directly from www.change.gov

Enact a Windfall Profits Tax to Provide a $1,000 Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families:Barack Obama and Joe Biden will enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil company profits to give American families an immediate $1,000 emergency energy rebate to help families pay rising bills. This relief would be a down payment on the Obama-Biden long-term plan to provide middle-class families with at least $1,000 per year in permanent tax relief.

Explain to me how handicapping the industry that provides the fuel for our economy to prosper on is going to help our problem? This is the exact opposite of what we should do. We should support as much domestic drilling as we possibly can then use the increased revenue from taxes already in place to offer incentives to further alternative energy sources. What most people don't realize is, the oil and gas industry is already so heavily "taxed", albeit indirectly, adding a windfall profits tax amounts to nothing short of trying to abolish US oil production in it's entirety. It's been tried before, and it was a TERRIBLE idea back then. This has been well proven. When I say that the oil and gas industry has been taxed, and taxed indirectly, is that the "indirect" taxes amount to the costs that needless government-mandated regulations incur. I can't even begin to describe how many horse **** policies, rules, and regulations are already completley handicapping the oil and gas industry, adding as much cost to their overhead as humanly possible. It's basically a direct swipe at capitalism under the thin veil of "saving the environment". Go figure :rolleyes: The RIGHT energy policy is to remove hurdles to the domestic producers to releive prices. Make it economic for them to drill here. It will work, trust me.

Provide $50 billion to Jumpstart the Economy and Prevent 1 Million Americans from Losing Their Jobs: This relief would include a $25 billion State Growth Fund to prevent state and local cuts in health, education, housing, and heating assistance or counterproductive increases in property taxes, tolls or fees. The Obama-Biden relief plan will also include $25 billion in a Jobs and Growth Fund to prevent cutbacks in road and bridge maintenance and fund school re*pair - all to save more than 1 million jobs in danger of being cut.

So in other words, he wants EVERYONE to work for the government. But he tries to not make it sound like that ... Wonder what this could be leading to .... :rolleyes:

Provide a Tax Cut for Working Families: Obama and Biden will restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need. Obama and Biden will create a new "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. The "Making Work Pay" tax credit will completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans.

So explain the fine print [or lacktheof] to me here. How on EARTH do you restore fairness to the tax code by releiving certain people of their duties and dumping it on other people at a completley artificial threshhold? A "make work pay" tax cut? Huh? Are these people really working, or do they have jobs where you pretty well just show up to collect a paycheck, which is exactly why they aren't making more money ... they're NOT working. Certian jobs, prehaps, the vast majority of jobs, are worth what you're getting paid. You don't deserve a $150,000 a year job to work as a checkout girl at Walmart, sorry.

Simplify Tax Filings for Middle Class Americans: Obama and Biden will dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes. Obama and Biden will ensure that the IRS uses the information it already gets from banks and employers to give taxpayers the option of pre-filled tax forms to verify, sign and return. Experts estimate that the Obama-Biden proposal will save Americans up to 200 million total hours of work and aggravation and up to $2 billion in tax preparer fees.

This is downright scary. Let the government manage your taxes FOR YOU! YAY! .... Do I even need to elaborate on how scary this is? I don' think I do.

Fight for Fair Trade: Obama and Biden will fight for a trade policy that opens up foreign markets to support good American jobs. They will use trade agreements to spread good labor and environmental standards around the world and stand firm against agreements like the Central American Free Trade Agreement that fail to live up to those important benchmarks. Obama and Biden will also pressure the World Trade Organization to enforce trade agreements and stop countries from continuing unfair government subsidies to foreign exporters and nontariff barriers on U.S. exports.

One of the prime examples of why NAFTA and CAFTA exist is due to the policies enacted by the federal government, primarily the Democrats, deliberatly making it 100x more costly to do business here in the US than other countries. Were if not for NAFTA and trade with China, nobody in this country would be able to even afford to buy plastic plates and sporks to eat their $25 McDonalds salad with. Inklings of the NWO anyone? Who knows maybe there are somethign to all those conspiracy theories.

Improve Transition Assistance: To help all workers adapt to a rapidly changing economy, Obama and Biden will update the existing system of Trade Adjustment Assistance by extending it to service industries, creating flexible education accounts to help workers retrain, and providing retraining assistance for workers in sectors of the economy vulnerable to dislocation before they lose their jobs.

Read: He's going to completley destroy the US energy industry, the last bastion of the US economy that is not reeling right now. He's said so himself. Somehow I dbout all the oilfield workers who aren't union are somehow going to be "innelegible" for this assistance :rolleyes:

End Tax Breaks for Companies that Send Jobs Overseas: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that companies should not get billions of dollars in tax deductions for moving their operations overseas. Obama and Biden will also fight to ensure that public contracts are awarded to companies that are committed to American workers.

So due to years of the federal government doing everything they possibly can do discourage business and industry in this country, we are now going to punish them for doing whatever they can to stay afloat. Wonderful.

Invest in our Next Generation Innovators and Job Creators: Obama and Biden will create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to identify and invest in the most compelling advanced manufacturing strategies. The Fund will have a peer-review selection and award process based on the Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund, a state-level initiative that has awarded over $125 million to Michigan businesses with the most innovative proposals to create new products and new jobs in the state.

So here we have a Union handout. YAY!


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
Invest In A Clean Energy Economy And Create 5 Million New Green Jobs: Obama and Biden will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the next generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate the commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of commercial scale renewable energy, invest in low emissions coal plants, and begin transition to a new digital electricity grid. The plan will also invest in America's highly-skilled manufacturing workforce and manufacturing centers to ensure that American workers have the skills and tools they need to pioneer the first wave of green technologies that will be in high demand throughout the world.

This is my favorite line of complete bull**** from these two of all :D
So in other words, what he THINKS he's going to be able to do is somehow completley bankrupt the coal industry, yet give us plug-in hybrids, and have the unions build all this **** for us. He says "low-emission" coal plants here, yet in other interview with him he's essentially said he wants to bankrupt the coal industry. How can power companies invest in rediculously costly "low emissions technology" with him trying to bankrupt them? Even with the coal industry being union, perhaps this relates to his "Transition Assistance Program" ... take all the coal miners and put them to work making plug in hybrids? Wonderful.

Create New Job Training Programs for Clean Technologies: The Obama-Biden plan will increase funding for federal workforce training programs and direct these programs to incorporate green technologies training, such as advanced manufacturing and weatherization training, into their efforts to help Americans find and retain stable, high-paying jobs. Obama and Biden will also create an energy-focused youth jobs program to invest in disconnected and disadvantaged youth.

Aside from being on LSD when he proposed this, what does this even mean?
Really? I can't even figure out what kind of pipe dream this one is supposed to be, other than he basically wants to completley destroy the private energy sector, have the federal government be in complete control of the new "green energy sector" then have everyone work for the federal government. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Boost the Renewable Energy Sector and Create New Jobs: The Obama-Biden plan will create new federal policies, and expand existing ones, that have been proven to create new American jobs. Obama and Biden will create a federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that will require 25 percent of American electricity be derived from renewable sources by 2025, which has the potential to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs on its own. Obama and Biden will also extend the Production Tax Credit, a credit used successfully by American farmers and investors to increase renewable energy production and create new local jobs.


So he's gonna put the 12,000,000 mexicans he just gave amnesty to putting up wind turbines and solar panels all over the country? How does this create hundreds of thousands of new jobs? And, would it really create jobs or just "replace" jobs that hes destroying by trying to gut the private energy sector?

Create a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will address the infrastructure challenge by creating a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not supplant, existing federal transportation investments. This independent entity will be directed to invest in our nation’s most challenging transportation infrastructure needs. The Bank will receive an infusion of federal money, $60 billion over 10 years, to provide financing to transportation infrastructure projects across the nation. These projects will create up to two million new direct and indirect jobs and stimulate approximately $35 billion per year in new economic activity.

Read: Construction jobs for illegal mexicans

haha ;)

Invest in the Sciences: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support doubling federal funding for basic research and changing the posture of our federal government from being one of the most anti-science administrations in American history to one that embraces science and technology. This will foster home-grown innovation, help ensure the competitiveness of US technology-based businesses, and ensure that 21st century jobs can and will grow in America.

Didn't this guy say he wants to cut funding for NASA ... the one government agency outside of the Department of Defense that deserves as much money as it can get? Genius.

Provide Tax Relief for Small Businesses and Start Up Companies: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will eliminate all capital gains taxes on start-up and small businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and Biden will also support small business owners by providing a $500 “Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in America. Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and the employer side of the payroll tax, and this measure will reduce the burdens of this double taxation.

So basically this is freeing up illegal mexicans to start up even more trailer-operated burrito stands without fear of anyone driving by to see if they've paid taxes or have green cards.

Create a National Network of Public-Private Business Incubators: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will support entrepreneurship and spur job growth by creating a national network of public-private business incubators. Business incubators facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-up companies. Obama and Biden will invest $250 million per year to increase the number and size of incubators in disadvantaged communities throughout the country.

Again .... So basically this is freeing up illegal mexicans to start up even more trailer-operated burrito stands without fear of anyone driving by to see if they've paid taxes or have green cards. :D

Ensure Freedom to Unionize: Obama and Biden believe that workers should have the freedom to choose whether to join a union without harassment or intimidation from their employers. Obama cosponsored and is strong advocate for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bipartisan effort to assure that workers can exercise their right to organize. He will continue to fight for EFCA's passage and sign it into law.

Here is another really scary one. What about harassment and intimidation from THE ****ING UNIONS? Unions have no place in today's market, but they're basically a vehicle for the communist government he wants to drive. It won't "technically" be part of the federal government, but they'll essentially completley control it.

Fight Attacks on Workers' Right to Organize: Obama has fought the Bush National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) efforts to strip workers of their right to organize. He is a cosponsor of legislation to overturn the NLRB's "Kentucky River" decisions classifying hundreds of thousands of nurses, construction, and professional workers as "supervisors" who are not protected by federal labor laws.

EVERYONE is protected by Federal labor laws you ****wit.

Protect Striking Workers: Obama and Biden support the right of workers to bargain collectively and strike if necessary. They will work to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers, so workers can stand up for themselves without worrying about losing their livelihoods.

Protect workers rights to protest the fact that they aren't getting paid enough to push a broom by paying them the same wage for not pusing a broom but holding up a sign and *****ing. Wonderful.

Raise the Minimum Wage: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will raise the minimum wage, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs.

yes folks, now you too can make $35 an hour for flipping burgers at McDonalds!

jesus I cant take any more of this

Am I being too cynical here? Really .. am I? :D


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
Well, here's one for ya

Barack Obama did not grow up hunting and fishing, but he recognizes the great conservation legacy of America's hunters and anglers and has great respect for the passion that hunters and anglers have for their sport. Were it not for America's hunters and anglers, including the great icons like Theodore Roosevelt and Aldo Leopold, our nation would not have the tradition of sound game management, a system of ethical, science-based game laws and an extensive public lands estate on which to pursue the sport. Barack Obama and Joe Biden recognize that we must forge a broad coalition if we are to address the great conservation challenges we face. America's hunters and anglers are a key constituency that must take an active role and have a powerful voice in this coalition.

So, what the fine print on this one should read is:

Since the whackjob environmental groups have realized their goal of ruining the US economy as well as providing idiots in California a way to "feel good" about who they voted for is more easily accomplished with local support, they will use the fake "conservationst/sportsmen" groups they have invented over the course of the last 10 years to further this cause and eventually ban all motorized vehicle usage on public lands entirley".



Mar 14, 2007
holy huge posts batman :eek:

Provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump
Ah, yes, just what we need... quick fixes.

I can burn $1k of gas at $5/gal pretty quick. It's a short-term fix allright.

Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.
And what's going to be generating the electricity for these plug-in cars? Coal? Oil? Oh yeah, both of those are going away too. Hmm.

Deploy Next-Generation Broadband: Barack Obama believes that America should lead the world in broadband penetration and Internet access.
Being the first nation to have luxuries such as cellphones and broadband access, that puts us at an immediate disadvantage because the next country to come along will learn from our mistakes. Japan already has Gigabit to the home. Their cellular network can do things the US is only dreaming about. To "lead the world" would mean upgrading teh entire communications infrastructure of the country, specifically the telecom system. Who's paying for this?

That whole site is "barack this, barack that, barack will do this, barack rah rah rah"... is it just me, or is this guy full of himself?
Dec 1, 2007
"Create a National Network of Public-Private Business Incubators: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will support entrepreneurship and spur job growth by creating a national network of public-private business incubators. Business incubators facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-up companies. Obama and Biden will invest $250 million per year to increase the number and size of incubators in disadvantaged communities throughout the country."

"Again .... So basically this is freeing up illegal mexicans to start up even more trailer-operated burrito stands without fear of anyone driving by to see if they've paid taxes or have green cards"

Oh contrare monsewer, I have a feeling that "dont go in the bushes" Jesse Jackson and his large apendidge Big Al Sharpton will hog and gorge themselves at this troph. Jesse and Al will have their names on hundreds of recording studios all over the nation and RAP-HIP HOP will enter it's golden age. This was Jesse's entire motivation when he threatened castration cause Barak and Lil Whitey only had the cash at $200 million a year.

The poor white trash incubators will be under funded however still inspired by Barak maybe they'll take a stab at trying to make furniture out of used toothpicks.
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Nov 26, 2007
Lander Wy
One thing I know, if the president elect doesn't quit trying to save the so called middle class at the expense of capital (the rich) and everyone else and understand that we are ALL Americans, he will be in DEEP doo doo. If he is as damn smart as he thinks he is he will end his self generated class war and stop being a hater. If he doesn't the country goes to hell in the proverbial hand basket and pretty quickly.


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Nov 26, 2007
Farmington NM
The really sad thing is that he could say chit like "Powered by HOPE" and the Obamazombies would stand up and cheer by the millions ! f'ing scary ! I just hope the powers that be find a black Lee Harvey to do there dirty work and I hope its not done with a gun!
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