Good to Go is about the nicest, most genuine guy I met at the show.
As soon as this darn strike is over with I plan to make some orders on a bunch of his Summer Sucks gear. I'm hoping to hook up my group with his group for some riding this season.
I gotta get me one of those jerseys with my SW name on the back too!
The Hats are way cool so I'll need a few of those too!
If you're heading there today make sure to stop by his booth and get the gear!
Only two dissapointments at the show this year for me...
ONE, The shop that ALWAYS shows up with a couple hundred cobra windshields in plastic on the floor was not there. I bought one from him last year and it
quickly delaminated and all the yellow chrome bubbled up so It looks like water drops on it. I called him a while back and he told me to bring it to this show and he would exchange it for me...
NO SHOW. I had to carry the thing around all day. Now I can't remember the name of his place so I'm stuck with a bubbly windshield
TWO. I looked everywhere for HELLFIRE Summit HD film's latest work and it was nowhere to be found. It was one of the very short list of films I was going to get. I guess I'll have to order from their website.
Talkin with Good to Go, Jlowe and Phatty were the High Lights for me.
Jlowe promised me a limited edition, autographed by the
real ladies man of Team Summit "Hatcher", copy of "Shred the Gnar"
(Oberti, watch your back!)
I'll just have to put that one in a frame and preserve it's integrity as I'm certain it will be a valuable commodity in the future!
Phatty is just a maniac on a sled and while I was talking to him I was looking for signs of past injuries. You know, a Prosthetic leg or something.
I stopped bt the SAWS booth and gave what I could afford (again...on strike) and talked with Tumblina and Jkster.
What a nice pair.
Of Women I mean. C'mon guys get your minds out of the gutter! Nice ladies.
Give what you can folks. These people are working hard to keep areas open for everybody.
Thanks to Snowbigdeal too for the great deal on the Pieps Freeride beacons and probe.
Now the wife and I are in need of some real training to learn how to use them properly.
But we're going to go out into the woods today and play with them a bit to get the hang of them.
I wish I could have stayed around for the carnage after the show but I recently blew my back out again and the pain meds were wearing off.
I felt the need to get home and back on the couch!
Awesome time and awesome show.