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This email came out this weekend.
This email came out this weekend.
The Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit Court just issued a decision in favor of the FS and the Oregon Snowmobile Association re: a parking lot made for snowmobile access.
Several environmental groups had opposed it on the premise it violated NEPA guidelines. The court acknowledged the lawsuit was more about restricting motorized use than the parking lot. However the more fascinating outcome was the court noting the following:
"user conflicts are outside the Agency's required analysis entirely because they are citizens subjective experiences".
Yahoo, we have been saying that for the past 25 years!!
The significance or implications of this ruling is it came from the 9th circuit court which has traditionally leaned to favor the environmentalists..
Paul Turke represented the Oregon Snowmobile Association .
Stan Spencer
This message was sent to Scott from stanspencer@montana.com
Stan Spencer | Backcountry Sled Patriots | PO Box 5504 | Missoula, Mt 59806
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