Scored a 96 RMK Ultra 680 that seems quite the runner last night. Got an new tunnel, 155 2.7 track, rails etc to install with it, Walker Evans underneath etc. Finish (clear coat) of the hood looks about shot. Debating on repainting it at the body shop I work with a total 90's style paint scheme or trying to find a stock or aftermarket hood that is clean. Anyone know where I can find one of those?
Also back then I think Boss was building lightweight snowmobile seats. While I think the stock one is still clean and not ripped. You know it's just a matter of time no to mention the seat foam probably is not the greatest. To recover them and redo the seat foam often changes the contour and the covering is usually not very well made. The fuel tank is integrated to them. I see Boss stopped at the Edge chasis and in fact going to their site shows they are not processing orders right now due to circumstances in a big not at the top of the page. Anyone know of a good source to find a clean aftermarket one to upgrade so to speak?
Also back then I think Boss was building lightweight snowmobile seats. While I think the stock one is still clean and not ripped. You know it's just a matter of time no to mention the seat foam probably is not the greatest. To recover them and redo the seat foam often changes the contour and the covering is usually not very well made. The fuel tank is integrated to them. I see Boss stopped at the Edge chasis and in fact going to their site shows they are not processing orders right now due to circumstances in a big not at the top of the page. Anyone know of a good source to find a clean aftermarket one to upgrade so to speak?