So the last couple times my 900 has been bogging at low end, it's blinking the check engine light 5 times, last year i had replaced the exhaust temp sensor because it was blinking 5 times. After i had replaced it about 2 days later it started blinking again when i started it up. So i just ran it like that untill this year and ran fine, couple weeks ago i went riding for a few days. First day the sled ran awesome, but on my way back to my truck it started to bogg like it was starving fuel on the low end, reset my boondockers box back to 0 for everything and still doing it. Next day took the sled out to try to figure out the problem, ran fine for a while but after it was warmed up and stuff it started backfiring and bogging at low end really bad so i just parked it. Did notice the little check engine light on the tach blinking here and there also. Once i'd pin the throttle to get past the bogg the sled would run like hell.....any thoughts on where to start or what to look at? Plugs are good and light brownish color,I checked my intake boots and they look fine...maybe TPS? Thanks in advance for any help!